Saturday, October 01, 2005

Coughing through the week

Outside of my stupid cough and cold that I've picked up this week, things are going really well! I was very pleased with how jr. high (area 51) went on Wednesday night. Everything seemed to flow really well, lots of excitement and energy, and I was able to relax and have a blast as well. I really feel like I'm getting into the flow, and fitting in well. It's been nice to be out of the office for much of the last few days, and spend some time with people outside of church. I've hung out with 2 seniors a bunch, had coffee with a high school leader, and had dinner at a youth family's house. It's been a blast! Today was my welcome bbq. Good chance to hang with some more students, and their parents as well. I've also gotten in at Nisqually Middle School, and I'm going to volunteer every Wednesday as a lunchroom monitor! I'm very pleased with how things have gone. I really feel like I'm fitting in, and am excited to keep getting to know everyone!

Prayer Requests:

Housing: Apartments are hard to find. Be Praying that I find something. I am able to stay at a family's house once Ben and Katie move so that's a blessing short term.

This is Ben and Katie's last week. Pray that their moving and leaving continues to be a smooth transition. Also be praying that their house sells.


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