Thursday, June 29, 2006


So we had our jr. high Great pudding fight last night, and it was a blast. Although, they did come form behind and dump a bucket on me, it was awesome. We had 28 jr. highers there, which is the biggest we've ever had. We had a very slhort message and worship time. I think too much pudding and sugar, cause they were crazy!

Pray for our chic team. We are 2 1/2 weeks out, and have one student who might be bailing and may have a replacement but may not, so pray that the right students go to our conference and that it will be a experience that brings them closer to God that doesn't end in Tennessee but transfers to back home.

THings are pretty quiet this week and most of next, just working on future planning and getting our summer trips organized, but not too many events so I can rest and get geared up for the summer.

Thanks for praying


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad it went well! Hope my pudding ideas were helpful.
It's never done quite the same
twice, so that's why it's hard
to answer how to do it. Have a
restful couple of days.

Jan A.
Ps. 23

8:57 AM  

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