Monday, June 19, 2006

things I will never learn in Seminary!

So today, I get a call from a recently graduated senior who is housesitting 2 kids (jr. high and 10 year old) and 3 pets. She's frantic, can I come over, they're having a pet issue. Sure, so I go over, and one of the dogs has decided to try to eat the neighbor's turtle. So I get there and one dog is in a kennel, another locked in the bathroom, and the turtle stumbling outside with a hole in its shell, so we get the turtle in a small dog kennel, and try calling vets, but no one deals with reptiles. Finally the neighbors come home, so turtle crisis over.

Good times!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute Brad!
Yeah, there are a lot of things that they can't or don't teach
in Seminary.
Life's like that I guess.
Glad all turned out well for the
most part.

Jan A.
Ps. 23

6:06 PM  

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