Reflections from the Night Owl
It's 1:40 am. I need to be up in about 6 hours, yet I'm updating! This is not going to be a post updating on the stuff that's been happening, but more of what God's doing in my life through this experience. The last 2 days have been very eye opening for me. Last night, we had a movie night and I left frustrated. I was trying to so hard to sit with kids and hang out, yet they kept moving. I've felt disappointed at times, that I don't have the relationships with students that I've had in the past. This group doesn't seem to want to hang outside of church as much, and do the things that I enjoyed doing. As I thought about that, I began to get fairly discouraged. Today, at a Christian music festival, I heard Shaun Groves and the words of the chorus of a song stood out...
Lord I want so many things
What I need has never changed
Teach my wayward heart each day
No matter what I chase or crave
That all this wanting only makes
Me need you more
I need you more
I have in my head what ministry should look like, or how relationships should be built, but I need to focus on Christ, and realize that it's all in his timing, and He has a great plan, and I need to be willing to trust in Him and continue to focus on what He has. As I've been reading the Alaska trip blog, it's encouraged me to keep focusing on others and letting God work and have faith that he will! It may not be how I percieved it was going to be but he will. My prayer is that I will continue to trust in His timing, and take advantage of those times that I have with the teens but also with my peers as well! It's awesome to get comments so keep em coming! Good night!
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