Monday, October 23, 2006

football, riots and corn mazes

I think I've recovered from a really fun ministry weekend. We spent a lot of time connecting with students. Friday Night was the Timberline high school homecoming game and then a group went to Shari's after that, Sat. was the jr. high corn maze and yesterday was our normal crew. That's the outline, but Friday night was definately a lot more interesting than that.

This was my first T-Line football game, and I figured that the stadium was laid out similar to how Highline's is, the band sits on the far side, the students in the middle and the parents near the entrance, so we sat near the parents section, thinking it would be the most open and all the students would be able to sit next to us. yeah, I was wrong. We ended up sitting in the middle of the student section (they all congregated around us after we got there). This would've been great, good chance for me to meet some students and try to get to know some of our student''s friends. Well, then the riot started. From what I can gather a loud smaller girl let's call her Jane was causing trouble and provoking a stronger, bigger female let's call her Olga. Well Jane provoked Olga so much that Olga came charging down the bleachers after Jane. Jane runs away. Keep in mind all this is about 5 feet from Sarah and myself, all of our tudents were to our right or below us. So Olga's friend calms down Olga, and Jane runs away. Out of nowhere comes a guy we'll call him "Shaun" Shaun comes from nowhere screaming and punches Olga, this causes fight number 2 to break out. Definately an interesting game. one of our students was named homecoming king so that was pretty cool. Fun game outside of the riot. just gave me a great sense that the students at T-Line need Christ, and makes me want to continue to stress the importance of our students being a positive presence on campus.

On a completely different note not a fun weekend to be a Husky-Seahawk fan. To go from excitement to hearbreak in a few minutes was not fun! And the cougs are ranked, so that doesnt' help me either!

This is a pretty busy week. I leave for the NYWC a week from Friday, so I'm spending this week and next preparing everythign to run smoothly while I'm gone. We're also going to start a high program outreach focus series the middle of November, so gearing up for that as well.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brad!
I'm still praying. Glad all were kept safe at the game. There has been a lot of really positive stuff going on in my life. Lots happening in all the churches I am privledged to be a part of. Oh, and the farmer who won the 1.1 million dollar lawsuit against the power company is my cousin David.
So, that's way cool, it's been a long process over the past ten years or so for him and his family.
My friend's memorial last week was difficult, but God knows all the details of that too. May you have a wonderful trip, blessed by Him!
Jan A.
Ps. 23

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, riots at high school football games...haven't gone to one here yet. Alex hasn't quite seen the social side of it yet...and is way too tired after XC practice! The competing high schools' fans aren't allowed to mingle during the game here. They have separate entrances even. Jail-like...Kinda makes me think that with that sort of treatment and low standards what else would you expect than the kids to accept those low standards and meet them.

Bobby Arkills, the Director of Tacoma's Youth for Christ, spoke at the church we attended Sunday. I am so thankful that men and women are reaching out to the HS and JH students on their campuses through organizations like YFC and Young Life (who has groups in all of the Tacoma High Schools, but Alex's). I do hope that the Christian kids on campuses are bold, rejecting the timidity that so easily ensnares them (me!). YFC is involved in the middle school Zach will attend next year and I am looking forward to learning more about the program.
What's NYWC?

11:42 PM  

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