We're back
No I haven't really gone anywhere since I last posted, but school has started and we kicked off last night with our first Area 51 (jr. high) of the year. Numbers were down, we only had 12 students, but it was a blast. Everyone was so into it, and definately an excitement to be back. We have a group of 8th graders that want to help lead worship, so they'll be working with Sarah, and the girls especially are realy excited about playing and singing with her. We started a series called In Christ Alone, in which we're going through a line of the song each week, and looking at the themes, and last night we looked at In Christ Alone our hope is found. What a great night. Now I"m getting ready for sunday when high school kicks off, and our cutters point ministry kicks off this afternoon. It was great having a summer of something different, but it's very nice to be back in routine! We have a high school leaders meeting tonight, where we will talk about the fall and about our small group kickoff, so prayer for that would be great.
Brad- Glad to hear the first night of the school year's JH program went well. I have prayed that your meeting tonight will go well - that both you and your leaders will work in unity, showing the students Christ's love for them and pointing them to His ever-welcoming arms.
Glad you are back Brad!
Yeah, Fall is a nice time.
Back to a bit of routine.
Not that life is ever very routine.
But, I guess we can continue to hope.
Praying that tonight and all your Fall kick-offs go well.
Jan A.
Ps. 23
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