Saturday, November 04, 2006

NYWC Anaheim

So I'm finally getting around to updating. I am currently in Anaheim, CA at the National Youth Workers Conference. It has been a very good trip so far. It's been great to be with Ben's (old youth pastor at river ridge) group so I feel like I'm not totally by myself here, but at the same time feel like I have the freedom to be alone when I want to be. It has been a day and a half of overload with tons of information, tons of encouragement and tons of just trying to listen to gone. With so much to process, I thought I would give the half way favorites list.

Favorite Main Stage Speaker: By far Mike Pavalacchi. I totally butchered the last name but he is the founder of Soul Survivor in England. He talked tonight about the importance of going after the "one" whether that be the one non-Christian kid, or the fringe person or being in the world, just risk it to go after individuals, and show your love to individuals. It was a great encouragement and reminder to keep my focus small. As I focus on the big things like program, focus on the individuals too.

Favorite Seminar: Chap Clark's having a deep ministry in a shallow world. What a great practical session on ways to go deeper. It just focused on being purposeful in everything in order to take the ministry to the next level.

Favorite thing God is saying to me: There are so many things, but based off lots of prayer and thinking I will be leading a small group. I don't know when or how it will look like, but I feel called to lead the 9th and 10th grade guys group myself. I'm excited to get back and process that more.

Favorite band: David Crowder is awesome. I've heard them so many times that they seemed to be getting old, and I wasn't too excited about 4 sessions of Crowder, but it was amazing, had some newer songs, and really led us in worship.

Favorite stupid trick: Gotta say the comedian who balanced a ladder on his face was awesome. Too bad i don't know his name. Also love Ted and Lee's skits.

Favorite meal: Chicken Quesadillas from the Hilton restaurant were amazing tonight!

Favorite Critique: Had to continue with the favorite theme but I think the biggest thing is that the training and seminars are awesome, but it seems almost too big to network. Haven't talked with a ton of other people, as most are in their own groups, and just wish there was more network possibilities in a smaller setting! But for training and encouragement on a big setting there's nothing like it.

There have been no bad session/seminars, I've heard from Kenda CAsey Dean, Effram Smith, Kurt Johnston, Mike p, Matthew Barnett, Doug Fields, and Chap Clark. Excited for tomorrow, the last full day of the conference. I'm also really excited about Monday. i've decided to not go to any of the morning conferences and just spend the morning alone. Ben's group leaves at 5am so i'll have the room to myself (provided they don't kick me out when they check out) and i'm just going to try to start processing everything before I get home. I can get cd's of anything I miss, so i want to take advantage of the quiet time. I'll update when I get back!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah!!!
Hey Brad,
Thanks for the update...You sure have been traveling this year!
I'm glad you are having a great conference experience.
You seem to be processing it all quickly...It always seemed to take me a while...maybe because at the huge conferences I have attended, I'm usually with a big group and we spend so much time in fellowship that we don't take the time to pull aside and process what we are hearing after each conference/ session. So...a good thing I guess about you being down there on your own. I praise Gid that you are being open to His guidance.
I hope the sessions tomorrow bring you the opportunity to "network."

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack! I meant "I praise God...." Wow, too many late nights and that last essay used up all my typing skills...

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you will be leading a goup. It makes sense if you are going to have the program, that you be part of it. I'm glad to hear that. And I know God will use it in your life and the boys who are a part of your group. Blessings!
Jan A.
Ps. 23

6:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Kellie you know what I meant or at least you should, but you can make it say whatever you want it to actually. Not goup but group would be my meaning.

Jan A.
Ps. 23

7:17 AM  

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