Monday, March 14, 2005


It's official. I'm officially done with college! My last final and paper was due today. It's exciting to be done with school and move on to Stayton for the next 5 months. To update, I went and observed a Sunday down there, two weekends ago. It was a great time getting to know the church and the jr. high students. It's exciting, because they're already planning events for me to take them on, and they already have said they don't want to share me with the high school group! It was a lot of fun, and I really believe I'm going to fit in well down there. My housing situation also got finalized that weekend. I'll be staying with the Smith family, which live in Lyons, which is about 15 min. from the church. I'm heading down to Oregon, April 8th. Thank you for all that are praying and supporting me in this exciting new adventure!