Well it's been a while since my last real update. Things the last week and a half have been fairly difficult. There seems to be a lot of stuff going on, and I get to be in the middle of what seems like all of it. It's interesting cause I guess the number one thing through all this that I'm learning and could use prayer for is how to deal with criticism. No one likes it, and it's not fun but I'm trying to learn the best ways to handle it. At times I've felt like it's "Criticize Brad Week or Month". I need to continue to remind myself that despite the criticism and the stress that God is in control. In Oregon the joke was when I got stressed I would get flustered. I feel like I've been in continual flustered mode for a few days now. My prayer is that I can let things go. That I can let go of the criticism and keep doing what God is calling me to do. I have to remember even in the tough times I'm here for a reason. I need to be able to relax and go with the flow (as sarah puts it) and not let criticism effect me so much. I also need to think about the good things that are happening. Sunday school for sr. high was awesome on Sunday. We watched a nooma video and had a great discussion. Some of the quieter people that seem unengaged were the most talkative, and they really opened up. It was really encouraging!
Another prayer would be school. I'm down to the wire, with 10 days left to finish my class. I have 3 assignments and a final left, so lots of work but I think doable. Also we're in need of more staff, particularly in the jr. high program. I think the Wednesday night stuff goes well, but more staff is needed to take it to the next level. Thanks for your prayers! Great to know that people are out there praying for me.
Re the criticsm you have been dealing with...Does it go with the territory of being the "face" of the youth dept. or whatever other situation is causing it?
Are you immediately accessible to people after an event which allows them the chance to "hit" you with what they are feeling before they have had time to process those feelings?
I know that criticism I have had with "flashlight boy" have often been diffused by an extra hour to thing over the situation and see it from his point of view or to realize that it is a difference of opinion and not a blatant disregard for safety/ feelings. Not that you shouldn't be available! But, to realize that the words may not always be directed at you, but be part of another issue.
We don't all do things the way others think we should (or even the way we wish we had done them!) which makes for plenty of situations where criticism can flourish.
I wonder, do I not do things that incur criticism (very hard to believe), do people just not say criticism to my face (I'm sure my siblings have had a Kellie-bashing conversation within the last few months), or do I not hear criticism because I don't label what people say to me that way. Maybe, I am so critical about the way I have done things that what others say is actually nicer!
All that to finally say, thanks for updating and I'm praying for you (and I'm having writer's block on my current paper...). Get to work on those assignments!
Hi Brad!
On one of those stress charts you'd be off the charts! Just thought I'd mention that. I agree with Sarah, relax and go with the flow; whenever possible. I know that you are in the center of God's will for your paticular life and that's where the rubber meets the road; so to speak.
Jan A.
Ps. 23
Hey Kellie... am I "flashlight boy?"
I know! But that was for you to say! Kellie
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